
Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Rocky moved 8 places down to #59 and lost 31.44 points.
Marvin moved 12 places up to #49 and gained 62.88 points.

Round 1

scissors vs scissors
What is with all the scissors!
paper vs scissors
Round 1 taken by Marvin with an effective scissors! It's no longer a draw.

Round 2

paper vs paper
What is with the obsession with paper.
rock vs rock
Rocky and Marvin each threw rock.
scissors vs rock
Rocky lost with scissors against rock. Marvin is pulling away.

Round 3

scissors vs rock
Round 3 conquered by Marvin vs scissors!

Nice play. Marvin has taken it 3 - 0!

Game ended May 20th 2015 at 22:18 UTC