
kmccarty wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

paper vs scissors
Kmccarty succeeded in round 1 with scissors against paper. It's no longer tied!

Round 2

scissors vs rock
Fish lost with scissors vs rock!

Round 3

paper vs paper
Fish and kmccarty both threw paper!
paper vs rock
Fish threw paper which destroys rock! Fish is getting back into the fight.

Round 4

scissors vs paper
Round 4 conquered by Fish using an effective scissors!

Round 5

rock vs rock
What is with the obsession with rock!
scissors vs scissors
Scissors? scissors. !
paper vs scissors
Kmccarty won with scissors and that destroys paper.

2 - 3. That's it. It's done!

Game ended May 15th 2010 at 23:06 UTC