Tbone wins!
paper | vs | scissors |
Tbone coasted through round 1 with scissors against paper. |
scissors | vs | rock |
Round 2 went wrong for Surfsop3 with an ineffective scissors. Tbone ups their advantage. |
paper | vs | rock |
Round 3 lost by Tbone using a hopeless rock! |
scissors | vs | scissors |
Scissors? scissors. Boring! | ||
paper | vs | paper |
Zzz. Paper? So predictable! | ||
scissors | vs | scissors |
These people keep using scissors! | ||
rock | vs | paper |
Tbone has gone and won round 4! Paper destroys rock. |
1 - 3. That's it. It's finished.
Game ended January 16th 2015 at 07:43 UTC