
lta9613 wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

lta9613 moved 1 place up to #21 and gained 10.00 points.
HAL moved 13 places down to #93 and lost 20.00 points.

Round 1

scissors vs rock
Scissors takes down rock! Is that right? No! Rock beats scissors! The tied game has been broken by HAL!

Round 2

paper vs rock
HAL used rock however failed to beat paper! HAL has given up their advantage!

Round 3

rock vs scissors
Round 3 went wrong for HAL with an useless scissors! It's no longer all square.

Round 4

paper vs scissors
Round 4 taken by HAL up against paper. It's all to play for now !

Round 5

paper vs paper
Zzzz. Paper? Boring.
rock vs scissors
HAL picked scissors however couldn't beat rock!


Game ended January 6th 2015 at 22:42 UTC