
HAL wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

lta9613 moved 28 places down to #137 and lost 49.25 points.
HAL moved 215 places up to #191 and gained 98.51 points.

Round 1

paper vs scissors
HAL won round 1 with scissors versus paper.

Round 2

rock vs rock
Lta9613 and HAL each used rock.
rock vs scissors
HAL missed with scissors up against rock.

Round 3

scissors vs rock
HAL has done it! Rock destroys scissors! 2 - 1 lead to HAL.

Round 4

rock vs paper
HAL succeeded in round 4 with paper versus rock.

Nice match. HAL has won it 3 - 1!

Game ended December 28th 2014 at 22:47 UTC