
sexymanbeast wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

BeeSyrup moved 7 places down to #1988 and lost 14.84 points.
sexymanbeast moved 96 places up to #235 and gained 29.69 points.

Round 1

paper vs scissors
Round 1 won by sexymanbeast with a great scissors! 1 - 0 lead for sexymanbeast.

Round 2

rock vs scissors
BeeSyrup won round 2 with rock against scissors!

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
BeeSyrup and sexymanbeast each selected scissors!
rock vs paper
Sexymanbeast has only gone and done it! Paper beats rock.

Round 4

scissors vs scissors
Zzzzzz. Scissors? Pick something else!
scissors vs scissors
Zzz. Scissors? Once again!
scissors vs scissors
Zzz. Scissors? Seriously?!
paper vs scissors
Round 4 won by sexymanbeast up against paper!

Good game. Sexymanbeast has done it 3 - 1!

Game ended December 13th 2014 at 22:17 UTC