Mid? ZIRVEEEEEbruuuu :d

Ebruuuu :d wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

scissors vs rock
Mid? ZIRVEEEE missed with scissors against rock! 1 - 0 lead to Ebruuuu :d.

Round 2

scissors vs scissors
Mid? ZIRVEEEE and Ebruuuu :d each threw scissors!
rock vs rock
What? Don't keep selecting rock.
scissors vs paper
Mid? ZIRVEEEE used scissors and that beats paper.

Round 3

scissors vs paper
Round 3 conquered by Mid? ZIRVEEEE up against paper.

Round 4

scissors vs rock
Scissors rips apart rock! Wait? rock wipes out scissors! Ebruuuu :d equalized the game!

Round 5

scissors vs scissors
What's with the obsession with scissors.
scissors vs rock
Round 5 taken by Ebruuuu :d using a genius rock. The tied game has been broken by Ebruuuu :d.

2 - 3. That's it. It's done.

Game ended January 22nd 2025 at 21:59 UTC