I justtt a babyyyKorangu kutti

I justtt a babyyy wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs scissors
I justtt a babyyy picked rock and that destroys scissors!

Round 2

paper vs rock
Round 2 conquered by I justtt a babyyy vs rock. I justtt a babyyy is expanding their lead.

Round 3

scissors vs rock
Round 3 won by Korangu kutti with an effective rock.

Round 4

rock vs rock
Zzzz. Rock? Once again.
rock vs paper
I justtt a babyyy picked rock but lost to paper!

Round 5

paper vs paper
What's with the obsession with paper!
paper vs scissors
Paper destroys scissors! Oh? scissors takes down paper. I justtt a babyyy has gone behind.

Round 6

scissors vs rock
Round 6 belongs to Korangu kutti with an effective rock! Korangu kutti ups their lead!

Round 7

rock vs rock
I justtt a babyyy and Korangu kutti each tried rock!
rock vs rock
Everyone continues picking rock.
paper vs rock
I justtt a babyyy has gone and done it! Paper destroys rock! I justtt a babyyy reduces the score to 3 - 4.

Round 8

paper vs paper
Why? Stop throwing paper.
paper vs rock
I justtt a babyyy used paper which destroys rock! Korangu kutti is no longer in front.

Round 9

scissors vs paper
I justtt a babyyy took round 9 with scissors vs paper.

5 - 4. That's it. It's done!

Game ended December 2nd 2024 at 15:44 UTC