PAPER-uh wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs scissors
ARS has won round 1! Rock rips apart scissors! ARS has put themselves in the lead.

Round 2

paper vs paper
ARS and PAPER-uh each used paper!
scissors vs rock
Scissors wipes out rock! No! Rock defeats scissors! PAPER-uh equalize!

Round 3

paper vs paper
ARS and PAPER-uh each tried paper!
rock vs scissors
Round 3 belongs to ARS versus scissors!

Round 4

paper vs paper
Everyone is always using paper!
paper vs scissors
Paper rips apart scissors! Is that right? No! Scissors takes down paper. PAPER-uh is right back in the matchup.

Round 5

paper vs paper
ARS and PAPER-uh each threw paper.
scissors vs rock
Scissors takes down rock! Oh? rock defeats scissors.

Round 6

paper vs paper
ARS and PAPER-uh both tried paper.
scissors vs scissors
Everybody keeps throwing scissors.
scissors vs scissors
Zzz. Scissors? Boooooring!
scissors vs rock
PAPER-uh threw rock and that is better than scissors.

Round 7

rock vs paper
ARS used rock but failed to beat paper.


Game ended October 30th 2024 at 10:54 UTC