ARS wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs rock
You people continue to choosing rock.
paper vs scissors
ARS won round 1 with scissors vs paper.

Round 2

rock vs rock
What's with all the rock.
scissors vs rock
ARS has only gone and won round 2! Rock destroys scissors!

Round 3

paper vs rock
AKS has only gone and taken round 3! Paper takes down rock!

Round 4

rock vs paper
Round 4 taken by ARS with an effective paper. ARS ups their advantage.

Round 5

scissors vs paper
ARS chose paper however fell flat against scissors!

Round 6

scissors vs paper
Round 6 went down the drain for ARS with an useless paper!

Round 7

rock vs paper
AKS flopped with rock vs paper!

Round 8

scissors vs scissors
Everyone is always selecting scissors.
paper vs paper
What's with the obsession with paper.
scissors vs paper
Round 8 taken by AKS versus paper! ARS has lost their edge.

Round 9

rock vs paper
AKS tried rock but couldn't beat paper! It's no longer tied.

4 - 5. That is it. It's done!

Game ended October 30th 2024 at 10:50 UTC