Pépette Pépé

Pépé wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

paper vs paper
Zzzzzz. Paper? Once again.
paper vs paper
Everyone is always using paper!
scissors vs scissors
These people keep picking scissors!
scissors vs paper
Pépette has gone and won round 1! Scissors rips apart paper!

Round 2

rock vs rock
Pépette and Pépé both threw rock!
paper vs scissors
Pépé has only gone and taken round 2! Scissors destroys paper!

Round 3

paper vs paper
Zzzz. Paper? Pick something else!
scissors vs rock
Pépé has taken round 3! Rock takes down scissors!

Round 4

scissors vs scissors
What is with all the scissors.
rock vs scissors
Pépé flopped with scissors vs rock! It's all to play for now that the game is tied.

Round 5

paper vs paper
Why? Stop choosing paper.
rock vs paper
Round 5 lost by Pépette with a hopeless rock!


Game ended September 4th 2024 at 19:01 UTC