Papa wins!
paper | vs | lizard |
Round 1 belongs to Kaissy with a great lizard. Kaissy has put themselves ahead. |
spock | vs | rock |
Kaissy tried rock however fell flat against spock. |
scissors | vs | paper |
Papa has only gone and done it! Scissors wipes out paper. |
rock | vs | spock |
Round 4 won by Kaissy vs rock. |
rock | vs | paper |
Round 5 conquered by Kaissy versus rock! |
paper | vs | spock |
Papa selected paper which trumps spock. |
paper | vs | paper |
Everyone continues throwing paper! | ||
spock | vs | rock |
Kaissy failed with rock against spock. Papa has taken the lead. |
lizard | vs | paper |
Papa used lizard and that defeats paper! |
5 - 3. That's it. It's over.
Game ended July 9th 2024 at 18:21 UTC