
Amanda wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs rock
Rock? rock. .
scissors vs rock
Rich selected scissors however lost to rock.

Round 2

paper vs rock
Rich won round 2 with paper vs rock!

Round 3

rock vs scissors
Amanda tried scissors however failed to beat rock.

Round 4

paper vs scissors
Rich picked paper however lost to scissors.

Round 5

scissors vs scissors
You people are always throwing scissors.
scissors vs paper
Round 5 taken by Rich with a well played scissors!

Round 6

rock vs rock
Everybody keeps picking rock.
rock vs scissors
Rich picked rock and that beats scissors. Rich is pulling away.

Round 7

paper vs paper
Rich and Amanda each threw paper.
paper vs paper
Paper? paper. So predictable.
scissors vs scissors
These people continue to choosing scissors.
rock vs paper
Rock defeats paper! Wait? paper defeats rock.

Round 8

scissors vs rock
Amanda tried rock which destroys scissors. It's all to play for now that it's all square!

Round 9

scissors vs rock
Round 9 belongs to Amanda using a great rock. Amanda has taken the lead.

Nice set. Amanda has done it 5 - 4!

Game ended May 18th 2024 at 00:27 UTC