
e wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs paper
E threw paper and that destroys rock. The tied game has been broken by e.

Round 2

rock vs scissors
E tried scissors however lost to rock. E tied up the matchup!

Round 3

rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Boring!
rock vs rock
Everybody keeps trying rock!
rock vs rock
E and e each used rock!
paper vs rock
E won round 3 with paper up against rock! E has put themselves behind!

Round 4

rock vs paper
Round 4 lost by e using an idiotic rock!

Round 5

paper vs scissors
E has gone and won round 5! Scissors defeats paper.

Round 6

paper vs rock
Round 6 lost by e with a ridiculous rock! E equalized the match!

Round 7

scissors vs scissors
These people continue to throwing scissors.
rock vs paper
Round 7 taken by e using a brilliant paper. 4 - 3 lead for e.

Round 8

rock vs rock
Zzz. Rock? !
rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Once again.
paper vs paper
E and e both used paper.
paper vs scissors
Round 8 belongs to e vs paper.

Great set. E has taken it 5 - 3!

Game ended May 5th 2024 at 19:06 UTC