
Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

DurHur moved 3 places down to #1964 and lost 6.59 points.
Marvin moved 12 places up to #183 and gained 13.19 points.

Round 1

rock vs rock
You people are always choosing rock!
paper vs scissors
Round 1 won by Marvin versus paper. Marvin has put themselves in the lead!

Round 2

scissors vs scissors
What? Stop throwing scissors!
scissors vs rock
Scissors takes down rock! Is that right? No! Rock destroys scissors.

Round 3

rock vs paper
DurHur used rock but failed to beat paper.

Excellent matchup. Marvin has done it 3 - 0.

Game ended December 5th 2014 at 08:26 UTC