
Tortoise wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

scissors vs paper
Paper rips apart scissors! Is that right? No! Scissors beats paper!

Round 2

lizard vs scissors
Lizard defeats scissors! Oh? scissors rips apart lizard!

Round 3

paper vs spock
Tortoise won round 3 with paper against spock. Tortoise is currently ahead.

Round 4

spock vs scissors
Tortoise choose spock which destroys scissors! Tortoise expands their lead!

Round 5

lizard vs scissors
Achilles has done it! Scissors takes down lizard.

Round 6

scissors vs paper
Achilles failed with paper against scissors!

Round 7

lizard vs lizard
What is with the obsession with lizard.
spock vs rock
Round 7 taken by Tortoise up against rock.

Great set. Tortoise has done it 5 - 2!

Game ended April 2nd 2024 at 20:50 UTC