
Achilles wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs rock
Achilles and Tortoise each chose rock!
paper vs scissors
Tortoise coasted through round 1 with scissors versus paper! Tortoise has put themselves in front.

Round 2

scissors vs paper
Achilles took round 2 with scissors against paper! Achilles made it all square.

Round 3

rock vs scissors
Round 3 taken by Achilles versus scissors. It's no longer all square.

Round 4

paper vs rock
Achilles has won it! Paper wipes out rock. Achilles ups their advantage.

Round 5

scissors vs paper
Round 5 won by Achilles with a genius scissors. Achilles adds to their advantage.

Round 6

rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Pick something else!
rock vs paper
Tortoise has only gone and won it! Paper beats rock! Achilles is losing their advantage .

Round 7

scissors vs rock
Round 7 taken by Tortoise with a great rock!

Round 8

scissors vs paper
Achilles has only gone and done it! Scissors wipes out paper. Achilles expands their advantage.

Excellent matchup. Achilles has taken it 5 - 3.

Game ended March 28th 2024 at 19:37 UTC