
Wintermute wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

CuddleBoy420 stayed at #30 and lost 5.00 points.
Wintermute stayed at #20 and gained 10.00 points.

Round 1

rock vs paper
Wintermute selected paper and that beats rock!

Round 2

scissors vs scissors
Everyone is always picking scissors!
scissors vs rock
Round 2 belongs to Wintermute up against scissors.

Round 3

paper vs rock
Wintermute used rock but fell flat against paper.

Round 4

paper vs paper
Zzzzzz. Paper? Pick something else.
rock vs rock
Zzzzzz. Rock? So predictable!
scissors vs rock
Wintermute has only gone and won round 4! Rock rips apart scissors. Wintermute adds to their advantage.

Nice game. Wintermute has done it 3 - 1.

Game ended September 16th 2023 at 00:03 UTC