
peeboy420 wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

peeboy420 stayed at #9 and lost 30.00 points.
HAL moved 2 places up to #18 and gained 90.00 points.

Round 1

rock vs lizard
Peeboy420 took round 1 with rock up against lizard! Peeboy420 tied.

Round 2

rock vs spock
HAL coasted through round 2 with spock up against rock! HAL has taken the lead!

Round 3

rock vs rock
Seriously? Stop using rock.
rock vs scissors
Peeboy420 selected rock which beats scissors! 2 - 1 lead for peeboy420!

Round 4

rock vs lizard
Lizard takes down rock! Oh? rock destroys lizard!

3 - 1. That's it. It's all over.

Game ended September 15th 2023 at 08:40 UTC