
sty wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs lizard
Sty picked lizard however couldn't beat rock.

Round 2

paper vs lizard
Liz flopped with paper against lizard. Sty is right back in it.

Round 3

scissors vs rock
Round 3 won by sty against scissors. Liz has fallen behind.

Round 4

lizard vs spock
Sty selected spock however failed to beat lizard.

Round 5

spock vs scissors
Round 5 conquered by liz with a great spock. It's no longer all square.

Round 6

rock vs paper
Sty tried paper and that defeats rock!

Round 7

paper vs lizard
Round 7 conquered by sty against paper! Sty has put themselves in front!

Round 8

scissors vs rock
Sty succeeded in round 8 with rock vs scissors!

3 - 5. That is it. It's finished!

Game ended May 26th 2023 at 03:45 UTC