MR_Galaxy wins!
rock | vs | scissors |
Round 1 belongs to MR_Galaxy up against scissors! MR_Galaxy is in front. |
scissors | vs | scissors |
Scissors? scissors. Pick something else. | ||
rock | vs | scissors |
MR_Galaxy picked rock and that destroys scissors. MR_Galaxy expands their lead. |
scissors | vs | scissors |
What? Don't keep throwing scissors! | ||
paper | vs | paper |
What is with the obsession with paper. | ||
scissors | vs | scissors |
Scissors? scissors. Boring! | ||
rock | vs | paper |
HAL has won round 3! Paper defeats rock! MR_Galaxy is losing their edge in the game. |
rock | vs | paper |
Rock takes down paper! Oh? paper takes down rock. |
scissors | vs | paper |
MR_Galaxy won round 5 with scissors against paper. The tie has been broken by MR_Galaxy. |
Nice play. MR_Galaxy has won it 3 - 2!
Game ended May 22nd 2023 at 20:38 UTC