
Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Duff06 moved 2 places down to #76 and lost 5.00 points.
Marvin stayed at #14 and gained 10.00 points.

Round 1

paper vs paper
Paper? paper. Boooooring!
rock vs rock
What is with the obsession with rock!
rock vs scissors
Round 1 taken by Duff06 with a brilliant rock.

Round 2

scissors vs paper
Paper takes down scissors! Oh? scissors defeats paper! Duff06 is pulling away.

Round 3

scissors vs rock
Marvin has gone and taken round 3! Rock rips apart scissors.

Round 4

paper vs scissors
Duff06 tried paper but failed to beat scissors! Marvin is right back in the matchup!

Round 5

rock vs rock
Everybody continues picking rock.
rock vs paper
Rock takes down paper! Oh? paper takes down rock! Marvin is now in front.

Great game. Marvin has won 3 - 2!

Game ended July 21st 2022 at 02:39 UTC