Lil' JoshayDingus

Lil' Joshay wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Pick something else.
rock vs rock
Lil' Joshay and Dingus both threw rock.
scissors vs paper
Dingus missed with paper versus scissors!

Round 2

paper vs paper
Really? Don't keep choosing paper.
scissors vs rock
Dingus succeeded in round 2 with rock against scissors.

Round 3

scissors vs paper
Lil' Joshay succeeded in round 3 with scissors vs paper! The tied game has been broken by Lil' Joshay.

Round 4

rock vs rock
Everybody keeps picking rock!
rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Boring!
rock vs scissors
Dingus chose scissors however failed to beat rock.

3 - 1. That is it. It's finished.

Game ended November 7th 2014 at 22:13 UTC