
Forza4141 wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

lizard vs lizard
Lizard? lizard. Seriously?.
scissors vs rock
Scissors beats rock! Wait? rock rips apart scissors. Alperen2007cr is currently in the lead.

Round 2

spock vs spock
What's with all the spock.
lizard vs lizard
Forza4141 and alperen2007cr each picked lizard!
spock vs scissors
Forza4141 choose spock which is better than scissors. Forza4141 is right back in it.

Round 3

scissors vs lizard
Forza4141 has only gone and won it! Scissors takes down lizard! Alperen2007cr has put themselves behind.

Round 4

lizard vs rock
Lizard takes down rock! Is that right? No! Rock rips apart lizard!

Round 5

scissors vs paper
Alperen2007cr missed with paper up against scissors! It's no longer a draw!

Round 6

rock vs spock
Round 6 went down the drain for Forza4141 using an useless rock!

Round 7

lizard vs lizard
What's with the obsession with lizard!
scissors vs scissors
What is with the obsession with scissors.
paper vs spock
Spock destroys paper! Oh? paper wipes out spock. 4 - 3 lead for Forza4141!

Round 8

rock vs rock
Zzzzzz. Rock? .
spock vs scissors
Forza4141 used spock which beats scissors! Forza4141 is expanding their advantage.

Excellent play. Forza4141 has taken it 5 - 3.

Game ended May 5th 2021 at 18:55 UTC