
alperen2007cr wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

lizard vs lizard
Zzzzzz. Lizard? .
scissors vs rock
Alperen2007cr has only gone and done it! Rock defeats scissors! Alperen2007cr has put themselves in the lead!

Round 2

spock vs spock
What's with the obsession with spock.
rock vs lizard
Lizard defeats rock! Oh? rock beats lizard!

Round 3

paper vs paper
What's with all the paper!
scissors vs spock
Alperen2007cr used spock and that trumps scissors!

Round 4

spock vs lizard
Round 4 belongs to alperen2007cr vs spock. Alperen2007cr is pulling away.

Round 5

lizard vs rock
Forza4141 flopped with lizard versus rock!

Round 6

scissors vs scissors
You people continue to picking scissors.
paper vs rock
Forza4141 succeeded in round 6 with paper versus rock.

Round 7

lizard vs lizard
Zzz. Lizard? !
rock vs spock
Alperen2007cr tried spock which is better than rock. Alperen2007cr is expanding their lead.

Nice matchup. Alperen2007cr has won it 5 - 2!

Game ended May 4th 2021 at 16:37 UTC