
HAL wins!

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Ladder Result

Dkldkxkdkkd moved 8 places down to #86 and lost 35.13 points.
HAL moved 18 places up to #79 and gained 70.24 points.

Round 1

paper vs scissors
Round 1 taken by HAL with an effective scissors! Dkldkxkdkkd has fallen behind!

Round 2

scissors vs spock
HAL won round 2 with spock versus scissors.

Round 3

lizard vs paper
Dkldkxkdkkd used lizard which destroys paper. Dkldkxkdkkd is making it back into the fight!

Round 4

rock vs spock
Round 4 went wrong for Dkldkxkdkkd with an idiotic rock. HAL is pulling away.

Nice match. HAL has won it 3 - 1.

Game ended February 22nd 2021 at 16:46 UTC