
Dkldkxkdkkd wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Dkldkxkdkkd moved 249 places up to #233 and gained 100.00 points.
HAL moved 35 places down to #174 and lost 50.00 points.

Round 1

spock vs rock
Dkldkxkdkkd has gone and won round 1! Spock destroys rock!

Round 2

rock vs scissors
Round 2 belongs to Dkldkxkdkkd up against scissors! HAL is in big trouble now.

Round 3

scissors vs rock
Dkldkxkdkkd threw scissors but failed to beat rock! Dkldkxkdkkd is is waving goodbye to their lead in this game.

Round 4

paper vs lizard
Dkldkxkdkkd threw paper but failed to beat lizard!

Round 5

lizard vs lizard
Dkldkxkdkkd and HAL each used lizard!
spock vs spock
What? Don't keep throwing spock!
lizard vs spock
HAL threw spock however failed to beat lizard. The tied game has been broken by Dkldkxkdkkd!

3 - 2. That is it. It's over!

Game ended February 22nd 2021 at 16:04 UTC