
Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Tamayito17 moved 15 places down to #147 and lost 24.50 points.
Marvin moved 14 places up to #117 and gained 49.00 points.

Round 1

lizard vs lizard
Seriously? Don't keep trying lizard!
paper vs lizard
Tamayito17 failed with paper versus lizard.

Round 2

spock vs rock
Rock rips apart spock! Wait? spock rips apart rock. Tamayito17 tied.

Round 3

lizard vs paper
Round 3 conquered by Tamayito17 vs paper.

Round 4

rock vs paper
Round 4 lost by Tamayito17 using a ridiculous rock.

Round 5

scissors vs spock
Marvin threw spock which destroys scissors. Marvin is ahead!

Nice set. Marvin has won 3 - 2.

Game ended September 28th 2020 at 20:37 UTC