
Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Tamayito17 moved 26 places down to #158 and lost 31.95 points.
Marvin moved 43 places up to #130 and gained 63.91 points.

Round 1

lizard vs lizard
What's with the obsession with lizard!
scissors vs scissors
Tamayito17 and Marvin each tried scissors.
spock vs scissors
Tamayito17 has only gone and won it! Spock destroys scissors!

Round 2

lizard vs lizard
What is with all the lizard.
paper vs scissors
Marvin has won round 2! Scissors wipes out paper!

Round 3

paper vs scissors
Marvin has done it! Scissors takes down paper. Tamayito17 has put themselves behind.

Round 4

spock vs paper
Round 4 taken by Marvin with a well played paper!

Good match. Marvin has won it 3 - 1.

Game ended September 28th 2020 at 20:31 UTC