level 9 cpubig bully enderz

level 9 cpu wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs scissors
Round 1 won by level 9 cpu versus scissors!

Round 2

rock vs scissors
Level 9 cpu took round 2 with rock versus scissors!

Round 3

paper vs scissors
Big bully enderz took round 3 with scissors against paper! Big bully enderz is making it back into the fight.

Round 4

scissors vs paper
Big bully enderz failed with paper versus scissors. Big bully enderz is in big trouble now.

Round 5

rock vs rock
Rock? rock. So predictable.
rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Seriously?!
scissors vs scissors
Scissors? scissors. Once again.
scissors vs scissors
Scissors? scissors. So predictable!
scissors vs paper
Paper beats scissors! No! Scissors takes down paper! Level 9 cpu is expanding their advantage!

Round 6

paper vs rock
Big bully enderz failed with rock against paper.

5 - 1. That is it. It's done!

Game ended August 23rd 2020 at 18:12 UTC