
hana wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

spock vs spock
What's with the obsession with spock.
paper vs lizard
Hana selected lizard and that defeats paper.

Round 2

scissors vs rock
Hana won round 2 with rock against scissors! Deba is in big trouble !

Round 3

rock vs paper
Round 3 conquered by hana with a great paper! Deba has problems now!

Round 4

lizard vs paper
Paper defeats lizard! No wait! Lizard rips apart paper. Deba is getting back into the match!

Round 5

spock vs spock
Everyone continues trying spock.
spock vs spock
Spock? spock. .
lizard vs lizard
Seriously? Don't keep picking lizard!
rock vs rock
Everyone is always choosing rock!
scissors vs paper
Deba took round 5 with scissors against paper.

Round 6

paper vs scissors
Hana has taken round 6! Scissors beats paper!

Round 7

spock vs spock
Deba and hana each threw spock.
scissors vs spock
Round 7 won by hana versus scissors.

2 - 5. That is it. It's over.

Game ended August 9th 2020 at 14:42 UTC