ben1 taneceik ablam

1 taneceik ablam wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

paper vs scissors
1 taneceik ablam took round 1 with scissors up against paper! Ben has put themselves behind!

Round 2

rock vs scissors
Scissors defeats rock! Wait? rock beats scissors.

Round 3

scissors vs rock
1 taneceik ablam has only gone and won round 3! Rock wipes out scissors!

Round 4

scissors vs paper
Round 4 went wrong for 1 taneceik ablam with a hopeless paper!

Round 5

paper vs scissors
Ben tried paper but fell flat against scissors! 3 - 2 lead for 1 taneceik ablam.

Round 6

paper vs scissors
Ben selected paper however failed to beat scissors. 1 taneceik ablam is expanding their lead.

Round 7

paper vs paper
Zzzzzz. Paper? So predictable!
rock vs scissors
Ben has won round 7! Rock defeats scissors! 1 taneceik ablam is is waving goodbye to their edge .

Round 8

rock vs paper
1 taneceik ablam selected paper and that is better than rock! Ben has problems !

Nice matchup. 1 taneceik ablam has taken it 5 - 3.

Game ended July 15th 2020 at 23:16 UTC