Miz is ultra daddy 3 winstreak ezChaku means knife LOL i loser ;(

Chaku means knife LOL i loser ;( wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs paper
Chaku means knife LOL i loser ;( has done it! Paper wipes out rock. Chaku means knife LOL i loser ;( has taken the lead!

Round 2

rock vs rock
Everybody keeps choosing rock.
scissors vs rock
Chaku means knife LOL i loser ;( won with rock and that defeats scissors! Miz is ultra daddy 3 winstreak ez is in big trouble here.

Round 3

rock vs paper
Round 3 won by Chaku means knife LOL i loser ;( versus rock. Miz is ultra daddy 3 winstreak ez has problems here!

Great matchup. Chaku means knife LOL i loser ;( has taken it 3 - 0!

Game ended May 27th 2020 at 00:55 UTC