HAL wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

WillRBX moved 7 places down to #67 and lost 43.65 points.
HAL moved 15 places up to #71 and gained 87.32 points.

Round 1

scissors vs paper
WillRBX succeeded in round 1 with scissors against paper. It's no longer a draw.

Round 2

rock vs rock
Again? Stop throwing rock.
spock vs lizard
Round 2 won by HAL using an effective lizard. WillRBX is no longer ahead.

Round 3

scissors vs spock
WillRBX missed with scissors against spock!

Round 4

scissors vs spock
HAL coasted through round 4 with spock versus scissors.

1 - 3. That's it. It's all over!

Game ended April 28th 2020 at 21:54 UTC