
aaantoni wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs scissors
Scissors beats rock! Oh? rock destroys scissors! It's no longer a draw!

Round 2

scissors vs rock
Capricorn chose scissors however lost to rock.

Round 3

scissors vs paper
Round 3 conquered by Capricorn versus paper! 2 - 1 lead for Capricorn.

Round 4

rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Pick something else!
scissors vs rock
Aaantoni used rock which destroys scissors! Aaantoni is right back in the game.

Round 5

paper vs scissors
Aaantoni choose scissors which beats paper.

Excellent matchup. Aaantoni has won 3 - 2!

Game ended August 30th 2014 at 16:08 UTC