
Arda wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

spock vs scissors
Round 1 taken by Emre vs scissors! Arda has gone behind.

Round 2

rock vs paper
Emre missed with rock against paper!

Round 3

lizard vs lizard
Everyone keeps selecting lizard.
scissors vs spock
Round 3 belongs to Arda up against scissors!

Round 4

paper vs spock
Emre has only gone and won it! Paper beats spock. It's all to play for now !

Round 5

lizard vs rock
Emre failed with lizard vs rock.

Round 6

paper vs spock
Spock beats paper! Is that right? No! Paper beats spock! Emre is right back in it!

Round 7

rock vs paper
Arda has only gone and done it! Paper beats rock! Arda has put themselves in the lead.

Round 8

spock vs scissors
Scissors defeats spock! Is that right? No! Spock wipes out scissors!

Round 9

paper vs lizard
Arda won with lizard which defeats paper. It's no longer all square!


Game ended March 29th 2020 at 16:47 UTC