robbie likes this big dub 2.0egirl slayer josh

robbie likes this big dub 2.0 wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

paper vs scissors
Robbie likes this big dub 2.0 threw paper however couldn't beat scissors!

Round 2

paper vs rock
Robbie likes this big dub 2.0 has won it! Paper beats rock!

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
Everyone continues trying scissors.
scissors vs scissors
These people keep throwing scissors!
scissors vs paper
Round 3 won by robbie likes this big dub 2.0 up against paper. The tie has been broken by robbie likes this big dub 2.0!

Round 4

paper vs scissors
Robbie likes this big dub 2.0 threw paper however lost to scissors.

Round 5

scissors vs rock
Round 5 conquered by egirl slayer josh using a well played rock!

Round 6

rock vs rock
You people are always trying rock!
rock vs scissors
Robbie likes this big dub 2.0 has gone and won round 6! Rock destroys scissors. Robbie likes this big dub 2.0 equalize.

Round 7

paper vs rock
Robbie likes this big dub 2.0 won with paper and that defeats rock!

Round 8

paper vs paper
Zzzzzz. Paper? Boring.
rock vs rock
Everyone is always trying rock.
paper vs rock
Robbie likes this big dub 2.0 has gone and taken round 8! Paper rips apart rock.

Good matchup. Robbie likes this big dub 2.0 has won 5 - 3.

Game ended March 19th 2020 at 15:50 UTC