FaZe ac0zFaZe Apple

FaZe ac0z wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

lizard vs lizard
Everybody is always throwing lizard.
scissors vs lizard
FaZe Apple lost with lizard vs scissors!

Round 2

scissors vs scissors
You people keep throwing scissors.
lizard vs spock
FaZe ac0z used lizard which defeats spock!

Round 3

rock vs lizard
FaZe Apple flopped with lizard versus rock.

Round 4

scissors vs rock
FaZe Apple has gone and taken round 4! Rock defeats scissors! FaZe Apple reduced the score to 3 - 1!

Round 5

spock vs rock
FaZe ac0z used spock which trumps rock.

Round 6

scissors vs paper
FaZe ac0z won round 6 with scissors up against paper. FaZe ac0z expands their lead!

Nice game. FaZe ac0z has taken it 5 - 1.

Game ended January 21st 2020 at 03:16 UTC