
mrbr0wnstar wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

scissors vs rock
Easyclapkid has gone and won it! Rock destroys scissors. It's no longer a draw!

Round 2

rock vs scissors
Mrbr0wnstar has only gone and won it! Rock beats scissors!

Round 3

paper vs rock
Mrbr0wnstar has only gone and taken round 3! Paper wipes out rock. Mrbr0wnstar is in front.

Round 4

rock vs paper
Easyclapkid has gone and taken round 4! Paper rips apart rock!

Round 5

rock vs rock
Rock? rock. So predictable.
paper vs rock
Mrbr0wnstar coasted through round 5 with paper versus rock!

Good matchup. Mrbr0wnstar has won it 3 - 2.

Game ended December 25th 2019 at 19:52 UTC