efe mavi rozetayberk muslera

efe mavi rozet wins!

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Ladder Result

efe mavi rozet moved 9372 places up to #2752 and gained 50.00 points.
ayberk muslera moved 6716 places down to #18875 and lost 25.00 points.

Round 1

rock vs scissors
Round 1 went wrong for ayberk muslera using a hopeless scissors! Efe mavi rozet is currently in the lead!

Round 2

paper vs rock
Ayberk muslera chose rock but failed to beat paper. Efe mavi rozet expands their advantage.

Round 3

spock vs lizard
Round 3 went wrong for efe mavi rozet using a ridiculous spock. Ayberk muslera reduced the advantage to 2 - 1!

Round 4

rock vs scissors
Scissors takes down rock! Is that right? No! Rock beats scissors.

3 - 1. That is it. It's all over!

Game ended December 21st 2019 at 15:13 UTC