
Wintermute wins!

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Ladder Result

Hassing moved 5 places down to #43 and lost 50.00 points.
Wintermute moved 947 places up to #405 and gained 100.00 points.

Round 1

paper vs rock
Round 1 went down the drain for Wintermute using an ineffective rock! It's no longer a draw!

Round 2

rock vs paper
Round 2 lost by Hassing with an ineffective rock. Wintermute is right back in the matchup!

Round 3

scissors vs rock
Round 3 taken by Wintermute using a genius rock. Wintermute has put themselves ahead.

Round 4

lizard vs rock
Wintermute won round 4 with rock against lizard. Wintermute ups their advantage.

1 - 3. That is it. It's all over!

Game ended December 11th 2019 at 02:48 UTC