
Ghost.exo wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Ghost.exo moved 217 places up to #271 and gained 70.49 points.
Marvin moved 62 places down to #326 and lost 35.25 points.

Round 1

scissors vs paper
Round 1 conquered by Ghost.exo vs paper.

Round 2

lizard vs scissors
Marvin has gone and won round 2! Scissors defeats lizard!

Round 3

lizard vs scissors
Marvin picked scissors and that trumps lizard. 2 - 1 lead to Marvin.

Round 4

spock vs spock
What is with the obsession with spock!
spock vs spock
Spock? spock. Once again.
spock vs scissors
Ghost.exo has only gone and taken round 4! Spock takes down scissors.

Round 5

scissors vs paper
Marvin used paper however fell flat against scissors!

3 - 2. That is it. It's all over!

Game ended July 18th 2019 at 06:34 UTC