Chocolate pudding (if winner) or canned dog food (if loser)Marvin

Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Chocolate pudding (if winner) or canned dog food (if loser) moved 2 places down to #261 and lost 5.00 points.
Marvin moved 2 places up to #93 and gained 10.00 points.

Round 1

rock vs scissors
Round 1 went wrong for Marvin with a ridiculous scissors! Marvin has gone behind!

Round 2

paper vs paper
Chocolate pudding (if winner) or canned dog food (if loser) and Marvin each selected paper.
scissors vs scissors
These people are always using scissors.
rock vs rock
What is with all the rock.
paper vs paper
Everybody continues picking paper!
scissors vs rock
Marvin coasted through round 2 with rock vs scissors. Chocolate pudding (if winner) or canned dog food (if loser) has lost their advantage!

Round 3

rock vs paper
Marvin used paper which beats rock. Marvin has put themselves in front!

Round 4

paper vs scissors
Chocolate pudding (if winner) or canned dog food (if loser) lost with paper vs scissors!


Game ended June 29th 2019 at 16:13 UTC