
Tortoise wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

spock vs spock
What's with all the spock!
rock vs lizard
Achilles lost with lizard versus rock! Tortoise has put themselves in the lead!

Round 2

scissors vs rock
Round 2 taken by Achilles with a great rock.

Round 3

spock vs scissors
Tortoise has only gone and taken round 3! Spock defeats scissors!

Round 4

spock vs paper
Tortoise chose spock but failed to beat paper. It's all to play for now !

Round 5

paper vs rock
Tortoise won with paper and that is better than rock.

Round 6

lizard vs rock
Achilles has taken round 6! Rock beats lizard! It's all to play for now that the game is tied!

Round 7

paper vs scissors
Paper rips apart scissors! Oh? scissors destroys paper.

Round 8

spock vs rock
Achilles selected rock however lost to spock! It's all to play for now that it's all square.

Round 9

scissors vs scissors
What's with the obsession with scissors!
lizard vs paper
Achilles threw paper however lost to lizard! Tortoise has put themselves in the lead.

Good set. Tortoise has taken it 5 - 4.

Game ended June 18th 2019 at 21:25 UTC