Tig the medium-light-skinned girlHAL

Tig the medium-light-skinned girl wins!

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Ladder Result

Tig the medium-light-skinned girl moved 169 places up to #234 and gained 76.56 points.
HAL moved 59 places down to #257 and lost 38.28 points.

Round 1

spock vs rock
Tig the medium-light-skinned girl won round 1 with spock versus rock!

Round 2

scissors vs paper
HAL failed with paper against scissors! Tig the medium-light-skinned girl is expanding their lead.

Round 3

paper vs spock
Tig the medium-light-skinned girl has taken round 3! Paper beats spock! HAL has problems now.

3 - 0. That's it. It's done.

Game ended June 11th 2019 at 23:24 UTC