
Cthukko wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

stammyroemer moved 4 places down to #201 and lost 14.36 points.
Cthukko moved 12 places up to #109 and gained 28.73 points.

Round 1

scissors vs scissors
What is with the obsession with scissors!
paper vs rock
Cthukko threw rock however couldn't beat paper! Stammyroemer has put themselves in front.

Round 2

rock vs rock
Why? Stop using rock.
scissors vs scissors
These people keep picking scissors.
paper vs paper
You people are always throwing paper.
scissors vs rock
Round 2 taken by Cthukko with a great rock. Stammyroemer is no longer ahead.

Round 3

paper vs paper
Everybody is always using paper.
scissors vs rock
Cthukko won with rock which is better than scissors! Cthukko has put themselves in the lead.

Round 4

scissors vs scissors
Everybody continues using scissors!
paper vs paper
Everybody keeps throwing paper.
rock vs scissors
Stammyroemer has done it! Rock beats scissors. Cthukko has said goodbye to their edge!

Round 5

paper vs scissors
Cthukko coasted through round 5 with scissors vs paper!


Game ended July 16th 2014 at 20:11 UTC