
Cthukko wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

stammyroemer moved 57 places down to #383 and lost 10.83 points.
Cthukko moved 38 places up to #121 and gained 21.67 points.

Round 1

scissors vs scissors
Again? Stop trying scissors.
rock vs paper
Cthukko took round 1 with paper vs rock. The tied game has been broken by Cthukko!

Round 2

paper vs scissors
Cthukko picked scissors which is better than paper!

Round 3

scissors vs paper
Cthukko tried paper however failed to beat scissors. Cthukko is giving up their lead in this match!

Round 4

scissors vs scissors
Scissors? scissors. !
scissors vs rock
Cthukko won with rock which defeats scissors.

1 - 3. That's it. It's finished!

Game ended July 16th 2014 at 20:07 UTC