potty monkeyHAL

potty monkey wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

potty monkey moved 1371 places up to #468 and gained 100.00 points.
HAL moved 8 places down to #78 and lost 50.00 points.

Round 1

spock vs spock
Potty monkey and HAL each selected spock.
paper vs lizard
Round 1 belongs to HAL with a brilliant lizard. Potty monkey has put themselves behind.

Round 2

lizard vs paper
HAL used paper however couldn't beat lizard. Potty monkey tied up the matchup.

Round 3

rock vs paper
HAL has won it! Paper defeats rock. HAL has put themselves in the lead.

Round 4

scissors vs paper
Potty monkey has done it! Scissors destroys paper.

Round 5

lizard vs paper
HAL flopped with paper versus lizard!

Great matchup. Potty monkey has taken it 3 - 2!

Game ended May 31st 2019 at 21:25 UTC