
Tesla87 wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

paper vs rock
Tesla87 coasted through round 1 with paper up against rock. Bigone99 has gone behind!

Round 2

scissors vs scissors
What's with the obsession with scissors.
scissors vs paper
Bigone99 flopped with paper versus scissors!

Round 3

rock vs paper
Round 3 taken by bigone99 against rock! Tesla87 is giving up their advantage in this game!

Round 4

scissors vs scissors
You people keep trying scissors.
scissors vs scissors
Zzzz. Scissors? So predictable.
scissors vs rock
Round 4 conquered by bigone99 using a genius rock! Bigone99 is right back in the match!

Round 5

paper vs paper
What's with all the paper!
rock vs scissors
Scissors takes down rock! Is that right? No! Rock wipes out scissors!

Good set. Tesla87 has won it 3 - 2.

Game ended July 13th 2014 at 22:39 UTC