
Cho'gatJUNGLER wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

scissors vs rock
Round 1 belongs to Autofilledtop with a well played rock.

Round 2

rock vs scissors
Cho'gatJUNGLER won round 2 with rock up against scissors. Cho'gatJUNGLER is right back in the game.

Round 3

paper vs paper
Seriously? Stop selecting paper.
paper vs paper
What is with all the paper!
paper vs paper
Everyone continues picking paper.
paper vs scissors
Autofilledtop has gone and won round 3! Scissors destroys paper. The tied game has been broken by Autofilledtop.

Round 4

rock vs rock
Zzz. Rock? Seriously?!
paper vs rock
Cho'gatJUNGLER has only gone and taken round 4! Paper beats rock! Cho'gatJUNGLER is right back in the matchup.

Round 5

scissors vs scissors
What's with the obsession with scissors!
scissors vs scissors
These people keep throwing scissors!
paper vs paper
You people continue to choosing paper!
rock vs scissors
Round 5 went down the drain for Autofilledtop using an idiotic scissors! The tie has been broken by Cho'gatJUNGLER.


Game ended April 25th 2019 at 08:37 UTC